Sunday, February 17, 2013

Guts Glory Ram

This 2013 Super Bowl Commercial was all over my news feed.  I have many friends and know many others who live on and grew up on farms.  They were all and are all very hard working people.  Many of them posted this video for others to view.  It amazes me how some companies can grab and keep your attention with a short story and barely say anything about the product or service they are trying to get you to purchase. The 2013 Budweiser Super Bowl commercial does the same kind of advertising and many posted and talked about this commercial as well.

In the Dodge Ram commercial almost the entire 2 minutes a man is talking about farmers. They show a few clips of the truck throughout the video,  then the last few seconds shows a Dodge Ram. They do a great job of pulling the viewers in to appreciate the farmer and wait until the end to gear you towards Dodge Ram trucks.  The target audience is clearly known as the hard working men.

Do you think this is a good form of advertising? Should they pull you in with a short story or give more details about the truck?

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