Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Can a T-shirt Save the World?

    Do you think a partnership with Product (RED) can improve Gap’s image? Is it a sign that they are making a commitment to corporate social responsibility or do you agree with critics who say their involvement is an attempt to spit-shine the company’s image while continuing to do business as usual?

I think partnership with Product (RED) will not improve Gap’s image.  This partnership brings celebrities to help market a shirt.  A portion of these proceeds will go to The Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa.  It does seem as though Gap is just trying to spit-shine the company’s image.  By saying that a portion of the proceeds go to The Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa makes people skeptical.  I wouldn’t want to pay for a shirt if the money is said to be going to help others and then have only a small portion be given to them.  Also, once people have already bought the shirt to show support in funding for HIV/AIDS in Africa they will find other businesses and ways to donate and support.  Since the customer is only there to buy that one shirt the business will not be doing any better in the long run.  If Gap’s image ends up looking better at all it will only be during this time period.  Then their business will continue as usual.

Basically, I only believe they will look good for a while because they are having celebrities help sell the shirts and make it seem like a better cause then it is.  A good cause would really be if all proceeds went to The Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa.  This also doesn't mean the company will be run in a different way.

Do you think a portion of the proceeds going to a Global Fund is acceptable?  Or should all proceeds be given to the fund? (Especially is Oprah and Bono are promoting it)

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